Know who’s visiting your website
and greet them

Find out which company is visiting your website and what it's doing there.
Collect phone numbers and emails in the most efficient way possible.
Change “I'm just looking around” user into a client!

Collecting business contacts from a website
means more than just recognizing a company name!


users every day increase their companies’ profits thanks to BAZO!
43% of traffic recognized
as valuable organizations
thousands of trainings and courses
sold with the help of BAZO
Strefa kursów
hundreds of precious
leads added to the funnel
295 users
scheduled a free audit thanks to automation
Apart from the boost in efficiency in terms of traffic analysis, we've noticed a surge in the number of queries collected from
Artur Jabłoński, CEO of digitalk
With the BAZO app, we generate 30% more business contacts. Thanks to them - compared to the previous years - we've increased the number of new member companies by 10%.
Grzegorz Baczewski, Managing Director
Konfederacja Lewiatan

Company name in prompts

Hi[IDENTIFIED COMPANY], how’s it going?

Will be displayed to your visitor as: "Hi BAZO, how's it going?"

The users of your website are browsing through a section with your offer…and all of a sudden, BOOM! – see their company name directly in the text. This automation gives your texts a whole new dimension. Automatically add the name of the identified company in your entries and pages on WordPress, create personalized content and address it directly to your readers.

Brilliant, right?

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